Today I had my phone interview with Rawhide, step 1 of 3 of the application process. They seem to have a really good vibe about me, and even slipped up in accidentally calling me a staff, rather than a candidate (!!!!) So now that I've sent in the 14 pages of paperwork I had to fill out, (and learned how to use a fax machine in the process) I will now have a conference call with ALL of the board members for another interview. That part is a little more intimidating, but today I felt very prepared (by God's glory only) and spoke without thinking (also God's glory that I didn't destroy it.) I simply feel confident that God has prepared me so well for this position and I'm so excited to be a part of what Rawhide does.
I've always realized recently that I need to do better at being relational and staying in touch with people that are important to me. I know that my schedule is crazy but I can't be selfish....I need to be able to have the ability to balance work and friends because without my friends I don't have that fellowship to help me grow. I'm becoming rather secluded to the people I work with, which include Steve from CASA and a two year old. But how much sleep do I sacrifice? Or what else do I need to sacrifice that I'm just using to fill time that I could be using engaging with people? Something for me to ponder on for sure.
Today's picture:

The sunset that I saw driving home from CASA. After a slightly long day, I was driving home and saw this amazingness. The reality was more pink than the color shows but I had to drive all the way to the end of town onto a gravel road, but it was a great end to a day filled with joy and God's glory. I'm definitely learning that the more I open my eyes to God and the more I delve into His word the more He's exposing Himself to me- excitement just seems to be overflowing in my heart all the time!
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