I have to keep this part pretty brief and slightly non-informational, but now that my internship is wrapping up I have really learned about what kind of supervisor/employer/employee/co-worker I do and don't want to be. And my statements aren't always the negative of my experience, I have seen both positive and negative in my boss. So in reflection, here goes a little bit that I've gathered:
- I want to do things out of a Jesus-like heart, not one that is driven by money or things of this world
- I want to try to never speak negatively about the people I serve. Even if it's joking, it's unacceptable and tactless.
- I want to always be driven to work my hardest because the people I hope to serve deserve the best.
- I pray that I will always rely on Jesus and surrender it all at the cross.
- I want to be in fellowship with people that can hold me accountable in all aspects of my work.
- I want to be organized.
- I want to be timely.
- I want to never put my work before my family (if I were to pick, right now I foresee this being my biggest struggle)
- I want to keep an open mind to new ideas and be willing to change
A couple of other updates in my life:
- I joined an intramural softball team and thought it would not a lot of fun (I remember gym class in HS being AWFUL) but the guys and girls on our team are simply great. We won our first three games and get to move on, and nobody got frustrated or mad about my lack of skill, but just having fun and laughing it off. This has been a great test of my willingness to form relationships, bonds and pride in myself.
Our official softball team (left to right: B Stone, Brittney Bunce, Megan McFarland, me, Nicole Milliron, Rachel Reed, Drew Atkinson, Greg Kufahl, Matt Pruss, Kris Maley) |
- I hung out with B and her neighbors (softball guys) last night and it was one of those situations where I was invited, knew I would have fun once I got there, but just didn't want to go. So I called my mom and told her about it and she convinced me to at least stop by; I got there at 7 pm and didn't get home until 3 am. Needless to say I had lots of fun. The guys grilled (and had vegetables and fruit and cole slaw and potato salad along with brats and hot dogs...they knew what they were doing!), we played bags (another first time thing) and then played sardines and 'bloody murder' around Freddy Court all night. It was so much fun to get back in touch with my inner middle schooler and run around for hours. Then we all cuddled up and watched 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"- not the classiest of shows and I probably won't watch it by myself but I didn't choose it. Now the guys are going to come to Salt with us and the hypnotist after (it's VEISHEA week!) It's just amazing to me how quickly bonds can be formed when I'm willing to let down my guard.
- I applied for a job at Woodward Academy, which is a treatment facility for juvenile boys that have committed crimes. I thought about working there this summer to get a little experience, and they offered me a position however as soon as she offered it I just didn't get a joy or peace in my heart. Thinking about it, I think that I'm going to turn the offer down because their philosophy doesn't mix with mine, and if I do get a job at Rawhide (where I can easily jump in with both feet) I don't want to burn myself out from this work because I'm frustrated at Woodward. So the employment search continues...however thinking worldly and remembering the pay, resume building, and 'perks' it's difficult to walk away. Praying that I keep my eyes focused on Jesus.
- A couple weeks ago Cody Cline spoke at salt and asked 'what do you need to stay passionate for Jesus?" Before I could process he answered "Jesus! You don't need Cornerstone, or Salt or your connection groups. So when you think about going to your hometown small church don't think you're going to lose Jesus." This was super encouraging and affirming that I'm going to be okay and Jesus will still be burning a fire in my heart.
- I miss home.
- I don't want to focus on missing home because I know I'm leaving here soon, but my heart is aching.
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